Hazard Results and Dissemination
Interactive viewer
Please visit the GEM Interactive Viewer page to explore the Global Seismic Hazard Map values (PGA, 10% poe in 50 years). The viewers show values from the original version 2018.1 as well as versions 2019.1 and 2023.1.

Model Dissemination
All GEM products are officially released through the GEM Products page. Please visit this page to download the models: https://www.globalquakemodel.org/products.
Model Versions
The following versioning system is used to keep track of updates to the individual models:
- model version = v[year].[major].[minor]
[year] = the release year of the model. The year is only updated when an entirely new version of the model is released, for example when updated datasets or different modelling approaches are used. An example is the 2016 and 2018 versions of the South America (SAM) model.
[major] = a number that starts at 0 and increases when a major change is made to the model. Major changes include updates to the seismic source or ground motion characterisation that affect the final hazard results but do not constitute an entirely new version of the model. An example is adding the cluster model to the OpenQuake implementation of 2014 conterminous United States model (USA). This number restarts from 0 when an entirely new version of the model is released, i.e. when the [year] is updated.
[minor] = a number that starts at 0 and increases when a minor change is made to the model. Minor changes include bug fixes, restructuring of files, and small changes to the seismic source or ground motion characterisation that do not significantly impact the hazard results. This number restarts from 0 when a new version of the model is released, i.e. when the [year] is updated.